Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 4 Apeldoorn

This was a great week! We were all over the place and yet were able to see some miracles in our area. Sorry for the wait mom, we took a nice pause from emailing play some ping pong. This country and these people here are absolutely amazing! I love the dutch people.But here are some of the highlights of this last week:

Speaking of Dutch people, Apeldoorn is very very dutch. Which is awesome and hard at the same time. This city I have spoken the least amount of English and that has been amazing. My dutch is reaping the rewards of that haha. It's been really fun to talk to a lot of the people here about religion. We found out this week from our stake mission leader there are a couple of trigger words for dutch people. For example: Geloof (faith), Kerk , Gehoorzaam (obedient), God and a couple of others. You know I have always kind of thought that the dutch people just weren't very religious because that's what you would here. But it turns out there are just certain words that trigger emotions linked to the past 500 years of Hollands history of being forced to do things. So this week we were able to change our wording a little bit and see some amazing contacts and miracles come from it. For example instead of using the the word God, we would talk about a loving Heavenly Father and how He doesn't force us to be obedient instead he gives us guidelines (The word 'commandments' is also a trigger word) to help us live a happy life. It was amazing what an impact a couple of small changes had. We were able to give out 3 Books of Mormon the day we first tried and even got let in and taught a restoration lesson. It was quite a big eye opener to me.

We had a great Zone Conference down in Rotterdam as well. It was great seeing all of the mission friends again. The conference was really good. The theme was about working with the Spirit and why that is so important and necessary. I was able to take a lot from it.

I was able to have a great exchange with Elder Le Duc and teach a great lesson with a man named Hans. Probably one of the most interesting lessons I have taught. Usually people have problems with everything but the Fall over here. But we found out that this mans entire life is built upon the fact that Christs Gospel was never lost. But we were able to teach with the spirit and he was at least willing to pray about our message. So that was a positive way to end.

This weekend we also had our Stake Conference. Another uplifting and spiritual filled couple of days. They hit the area plan really hard. Inviting friends to church, becoming spiritually self reliant and understanding the Sabbath and the sacrament. We were able to have a nice little missionary choir Elder Hosea and I got put in charge of. It turned out great!

We had an absolutely amazing lesson with Dennis this week. We are literally watching a miracle happen right before our eyes. After not seeing the missionaries for ten years we showed up a couple of weeks ago and the progress being made from then until know is incredible! He is reading in the Book of Mormon and CHOOSING to turn his life around. He understands agency so well and is make such a conscious effort to turn his life around because the light bulb came on. We honestly don't even have to do anything he is choosing to make the progress himself. It's amazing!

I absolutely love my mission! Without fail we see miracles every single week as we get to go and tell the world of a loving Savior and a loving Heavenly Father. I know without a doubt this work is God's work, this is His church!

Thank you all for the love and the support. It truly does mean a lot and it's much appreciated! I hope you all have an incredible week!

Elder Parr

People put mini libraries in their front yards. You put a book in you can take a book.


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