Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 18 Genk - A Week to remember!!

Hello Hello,
I have no idea where am I going to start with this week. SOOO many things happened and I know that I won't have the time to even share half of them. But I think I could start by saying this has been one of the greatest weeks of my mission by far! We saw so many miracles had so many laughs and ended the transfer with a bang!!

Well the biggest miracle this week has to be Laticha Parente. This week we had the chance to go over and meet with her every single day and somehow manage to give all of the lesson. And during our many visits my love for her just grew so much. Here is a little bit about Laticha, she is the 2nd oldest of 11 kids. Almost all of the kids have different dad's and the she pretty much takes on the role as the mom of the house. She is in charge of making sure all the kids get food, get to school and all that stuff. Her two sibling who are about her age are not religious at all and they sometimes tease her pretty bad about wanting to come to church and believing in a God. Her younger siblings all look up to her like a hero and a best friend. And yet somehow, with all of this craziness going on at home she has found time to receive a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon. She was telling us stories of how she would read with a flash light under her covers so her siblings wouldn't make fun of her and Praying in secret so she could find out if this is what she needed to do. She told us stories of how she has been able to get all of the younger kids to listen as she reads and tells them stories out of the Book Of Mormon. And how she has talked to her friends about the gospel. As you can see she is one incredible girl. 

Well she was finally able to make the step and be Baptized as a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ. That was one of the most powerful spiritual moments of my life. Seeing her go under the water and literally come up a new person. I can't even bring to words the joy you feel when you get to play such a small role in bringing someone else unto Christ. Heavenly Father somehow managed to use Elder Larsen and I, two imperfect tools, to help one of His daughters gain a testimony of His Son and of His true church. That right there is the greatest blessing you can have. I don't know how we were able to do everything we needed to do before Sunday but somehow we managed to do it. The Lord was with us every step of the way and I am beyond grateful for that experience!

On top of that we had some pretty awesome times with the branch this week. Sunday the Pollets invited us over to have an American BBQ with them before that we left. That was incredible man I miss that stuff! That night we also all went over to the Parentes and cooked them some hamburgers and American pancakes...yes in the same meal. They requested haha!! But they absolutely loved it! Then they asked us to jam out to "Let it go" with them, of course we said yes. You have to see that video, you would die. :) And this will tell you how amazing the branch is, when they found out a couple of us were leaving within a couple of hours they had thrown together a big party for us before we would leave. So yesterday we all went and played some soccer, ultimate frisbee and American football with the branch. That was an absolute blast. I can't tell you how much I love this little place in the corner of Belgium! These people have my heart! I am going to miss them so much and all that they have done for me personally. Just one big happy family here in Genk!

This week we also managed to have some pretty amazing lessons as well! Between the four of us we were super busy and it was so awesome to be so busy for the first time in a long time. Another great lesson I had was with elder Warner. A week ago I called up a former investigator named Miki and set up an appointment with him and this week Elder Warner and I went and taught him. During the lesson I just felt super inspired to drop a baptism date within the first 10 or so minutes of the lesson. So fighting my fear, I eventually did It and the spirit was just so so strong! He accepted a date for June 27. :) That was such a cool experience! But earlier visits with him he talked to us about how hard it was for him to read the book of mormon cause he is never home. And I just heard the most distinct voice, Elder Parr, Give him you mini book Of Mormon. And I thought to myself no, whats that gonna help. I use that all the time, it's easy to carry around, why should I give it to him. Well I heard it again, Elder Parr, Give him you mini Book of Mormon. So fighting with myself once again I reached into my bag and pulled out my mini Book Of Mormon and said Miki I think this might help, it's something you can bring around with you in your bag, read at bus stops and on the train and just have it wherever you go. He just lit up with a big old grin and thanked me so much. Well it turns out that it has made a difference, that Miki has been reading in that mini book of mormon that I had given to him. That made me sooo happy to hear! I still don't quite get how the Lord works, but after that experience and on top of others I have had, I know 100´% when the spirit tells you to do something do it! I am sure going to try to always follow the spirit no matte what!

Those are a couple of highlights from this past week. I wish I could tell you more about this week because it has been one to remember. But I am loving my mission so so much! And this coming week I am taking my journey back to the Netherlands. Saturday was transfer calls and I am heading to Zaandam, a city right out side of Amsterdam. I heard a lot of good things about it and am excited to see what is brings! I love this gospel!! I hope you all have an amazing week and thanks for all of the love an support! I love you all! The Church is true!!

love, Elder Parr

**I love how in Elder Parr mission they have the members baptize the new converts so they can build a friendship with them and have it as the missionaries transfer.  I know Elder Parr has loved teaching Laticha - what a strong girl she is and what strength she has and an example she is setting for her brother and sisters.  I am excited to see what the future brings to this cute family **
Laticha, Elder Larsen and myself at Laticha's baptism.
Bus Ride Adventure

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