Thursday, June 11, 2015

Week 2 Zaandam - Miracles Everywhere!

Hello Hello,

I don't even know where to begin with this week. Probably been one of the biggest miracle weeks of my mission!! Is all I can say is that i know God answers prayers and that if you are working hard and doing you best good things are bound to come. 

First off we were blessed with the best weather that I have seen since the day I stepped off the plane. This week had more beautiful warm and sunny days then it did rainy ones. It was just incredible seeing the sun. And let me tell you I am getting my tan (color line and sleeve line) on haha. But it's great. 

So this story is probably the biggest out of the blue miracle I have experienced. Last week Elder Frisby and I went and looked up a referral and they were not home so we left a card for them to call us and by the time tuesday rolled around nothing had happened. So we decided to go back and look them up again. Knock on the door and we tell them we are the missionaries and they buzz us right up. We get up the stairs and make it to there door and they were SO excited to see us there. A girl named Ivna and Peter and their little boy Pedro. A young family. They let us in and just treated us like we were kings. I have never been treated so good in my life. We got talking and Ivna began to tell us her story. She is originally from Brazil and some of her family back there were members so she knew the church. But when she got older she met peter and moved to the Netherlands. Since she has been here she has gone to 4 different churches trying to find which one was best for her. But as time went one she just felt that something was missing but she didn't know what. She eventually started talking with her mom who has been Less active for 20 or so years. Well her mom began to tell her how the happiest time in her life was when she was baptized and an active member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. And that if she wanted the happiness she was looking for she would find it here. Thats where the referral came into play. She felt why not lets give it a try. Well at the same time she is married to a Dutch man, who always believed there was a God or something but wasn't ever religious. After the mom had told them this they began to study the Mormon church. Began watching mormon messages and reading things for The more peter read the more his interest in the church grew. The more he looked back at his life an realized that there is no way there couldn't be a God. In short they have been so prepared to receive the Gospel. More then anyone i have ever met. The spirit in their house is indescribable and so strong. We were able to teach them the restoration and have a couple of incredible lessons with them. The goose bumps on their arms just showed testified to me the spirit was touching their hearts. We were able to set a baptismal date for them for June 28th. They both lit up and said that this is what they want. They want an eternal family and the gospel in their lives. Well they came to church this week and just felt at home and absolutely loved it. It was incredible. They have been the biggest miracle and I am so grateful I can be apart of it. I can't wait to see them progress and the Gospel change their lives. I know God led us to them for a reason and He is going to make all of it work out. 

On top of that we found a couple cool new investigators and were also able to have a cool little lesson with Carola. After last week she kind of fell off the map but then she called us back and invited us over for dinner. It was a blast being there with her. Hopefully we can get her on date here pretty soon too. The Lord is hastening his work here. Its incredible!

Also the Governor of Utah was in our ward this week so I got to meet him and talk. That was super cool. 

I love you all so much. I hope everything is going amazing. Thanks for the love and support. 

Love, Elder Parr

Look where I live!

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