Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Week 4 Zaandam- Laughs, reunions and so much more!

Hello hello,

This week has been another amazing one. And to be honest this one has probably been the fastest week of my mission. All the days just blended in and went SO fast. It's crazy! In two days I hit my one year mark! Like holy cow, where did time go? Before you know it it is just gone. But I can say that this past year has been one of the best, most rewarding, most difficult, most inspiring years of my life. One that I wouldn't trade for anything. It's truly a blessing to have the opportunity to be a missionary and represent our Savior, Jesus Christ, in a country that needs the gospel so badly.

This week has been one of many miracles, tender mercies and great reunions. But at the same time has been a week of hardships. So we will end with the good. This week we were able to get out and continue to work hard, and for a good portion of the week we got torn apart. I don't think I have knocked areas that were so against the gospel on my mission. We had plenty of slammed doors, scorning remarks, laughs ,pointed fingers and things of that sort. Which is never fun to have. But compared to the blessings and miracles and small things that happen in our everyday missionary work it doesn't even measure up. It's true what they say, the good ALWAYS outweighs the bad, you just got to look at it through the right eyes. There is always good around you.

Peter and Evy this week was great. We were able to meet with them twice and have just incredible lessons with them. But to start off, they got hit with some bad news. They got a letter in the mail saying that Evy's permit to stay was denied. So they are taking it to an appeal and we will see what happens. They were originally planning on getting married this past week so they could be baptized this week, but obviously that has suddenly become a little more difficult. So unfortunately this week they won't make there date, but we will find out tomorrow what is going to happen with that. It's interesting to see how hard Satan is working to stop the work of the Lord, but just like Joseph Smith said, there is nothing that will be able to stop this work from moving forward. And we saw that with peter and Evy. Between the two lessons that we had, Elder Frisby and I could just see how serious they are about the gospel. This is something that they truly do want. They tell us everytime that we go they have a goal to be baptized as soon as they can and then to marry in the temple. It's been amazing to see them to go to the book of Mormon is their time of difficulty as well. They were both able to share some inspiring answers that they had received from reading in the book Of Mormon. There truly is a power behind that book, I know it and know they know it! They as long as Elder Frisby and I have a testimony that the Lord will prepare a way for them to be baptized, just like He promises to do. They are ready and willing. Still a miracle in the making in my eyes.

This week I was able to see sooo many friends froms the past. Starting on Friday afternoon. Coach Rigby gave me a call and said he would be in Zaandam and wanted to take My companion and I out to lunch. It was so great walking up the stairs towards the station and hearing "Elder Parr" then getting a great big hug from Burke. I love that man, he's sure taught me alot. So it was great to see him and the rest of family and enjoy an amazing lunch with them. So if they are reading this thanks again!!! Then on Saturday and Sunday we had stake conference for stake den Haag. So for those two days I got to hang out with all of the members that I served with for six months in delft. Holy cow, that was such a blessing. It was so weird seeing how all of the sudden I could talk to them all in dutch and know what was going on, unlike 6 months ago. But seeing Daan, Emma, Scherfs, Prosmans, Muntingas, de jonge. So much fun. They all said that they feel I will be coming back to den haag, that would be awesome, but we'll see haha. So for me those were just some sweet tender mercies!

But other then that this week has been a good one! I had to say goodbye to president and Zuster Robinson at stake conference and that was so sad. I am going to miss them so much, they have been the greatest examples to me and the rest of us out here. They have truly changed this mission. But at the same time I am excited to take on this new chapter of my mission with a new president. It'll be great!

I love you all thanks for all of the support and prayers. I am praying for you as well. The church is true! God bless!

Love, Elder Parr

Peter Evy and I:)

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